Books: "AI Application Programming", "Working Knowledge"

During my stay in NYC I bought two books which are next on my list of must-reads:

“AI Application Programming” by M. Tim Jones: Seems like a very worth read to dive deeper into artificial intelligence programming. The paperback says “Covers cutting edge AI concepts such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, intelligent agents, rules-based systems, ant algorithms, fuzzy logic, unsupervised learning algorithms, and more”. The code examples are easy to follow. Met by chance Bruce Lokeinsky (whom I have not known before) while waiting in the queue to pay. He looked at my book, we started chatting about the real benefit of AI technologies. We are both skeptical, but I am confident that the KISS paradigm (keep it small, simple) of the open source community might break down those mainly scientific concepts to what can be done and is useful in the Semantic Web.

“Working Knowledge. How Organizations Manage What They Know” by Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak: Florian Stahl from University of St. Gallen pointed me to this book – thanks Florian! Obviously a classic that I haven’t come across before. It’s a shame, there’s so much I should have read already. The problem is that I often forget what I have read. Oh not, it’s not gone, it’s there for intuitive thinking. I go with Einstein, who said that it’s not necessary to know everything, but to know where it is written… So, let’s read how organizations manage this problem 🙂

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